
Sep 17, 20203 min

Hiring a Nanny: Questions you MUST ask!

Updated: Apr 1, 2021

I have been on more than 100 interviews in my career, easy. When I first began interviewing I disliked it greatly, like many others I’m sure. However, as time progressed I learned to reframe the interviewing process to work in my favour. Every interview is amazing experience to be had. You have the opportunity to hone your story of who you are and what you are selling to perfection.

But this post is not about tips for acing your interview. This is the turn of the table: what do you really need to ask your nanny?

Aside from the basics which I know you already have covered (tell me about yourself, your education, your experience), ask yourself when preparing your questions what is it you would really like to know about this person?

A lot of moms say, I want to know how they will discipline my child when I am not home, and so they ask outright; what is your style of discipline? Go ahead and ask this question, but it likely won’t get you the answers you are really looking for.

In order to find out if shiny smiling nanny is going to hit little Johnny while you are off at work, you are going to have to slyly dig a bit deeper. Try giving a “choose between two scenarios” type of question, each tinged with the same level of cringe and see how she responds.

For example, I would ask say something like:

“I am going to give you two examples, and I want you to tell me what you would do.”

“Let’s say Johnny has an outburst because he misplaced his soccer ball. He comes up to you and is shouting and tugging on your shirt. You are in the middle of cooking dinner, stove on, chopping mode, up to your ears in ingredients— the house is hot. You are flustered, and you end up yelling at him to go find the damn thing himself.”


“Same scenario, but instead of yelling at him to find it himself you tug him off you, hard and yell loudly to stop as he falls to the ground. He needs to get away from the stove!”

“Now what would you do?”

Okay, did you see what I did there? Notice I didn’t say, I want you to choose between the two. Do you really want her to choose between the two? I wouldn’t. If I was asked this question, I would mull it over as a trick and reply: “I would do neither.”

You do not want your nanny yelling or cursing when she is flustered. You also don’t want her with chopping knife in hand to shove your kid away. The type of response I would look for would be one of her own making. Even if you are knee deep in cooking, you step away. Turn the stove off if you have to, and calmly help Johnny regain control of his emotions.

Too much? Don’t feel like coming up with your own tricky questions? Then stick to the basics but pepper in some that she is not expecting. Think:

“What did you and your best friend last fight over?”

“What is your favourite movie?”

“What is your favourite band?” (Only need to ask one of these, as one is telling enough.)

“If time outs aren’t allowed, and Johnny violently hits his sister, what are you going to do?”

“Tell me something scandalous about you.”

“What’s your favorite colour.”

The bottom line is, you can learn A LOT about a person based on their responses. Look at their birthdate, their age. Yes, even the colours they are naturally drawn to. Use your absolute best judgement and if you have ANY hesitation, whatsoever: DON’T HIRE.
