
Jun 3, 20212 min

Simple Ways to Connect

As our children grow older it seems that life gets busier. The days of long naps are over and replaced with play dates, after school appointments, and activities.

It's no wonder that we may be left feeling disconnected from our partners, ourselves, and our children. I'm here to remind you that connecting with your kids is easier than you think, even at these busy times in our lives. Here are five simple ways that you can connect with your children, right now.

  1. First off, drop the expectations on what this moment should look like and accept it for how it is! Maybe your 10 year old son asks if you could join him in a video game. You usually never do, and aren't that into it. Put aside the "no" you would normally say, and surprise him with an enthusiastic "yes" instead! The point here is to spend quality time with your child, no matter how it looks or what it is.

  2. When's the last time you really stopped what you were doing and listened to your child? No phone, no laundry, no cooking. Observe and actively listen to your babe.

  3. Accept your child for who they are, fully! Does your daughter like to wear mis-matched clothing or your son play really silly music? Have a dance party and let your children bring their whole, complete selves. When we accept our children for who they are and not who we think they should be we teach them to accept themselves, quirks and all.

  4. Ask! Come up with a list of fun activities that you can do together. Let your child join in on this, asking for their input. Maybe they've been asking to go rock climbing or go on a hike--now is the time! The most important thing to remember here is to actually set a date and DO IT!

  5. Show your child just how much they mean to you. What is your child's love language? Write them a surprise letter, or give them a massage. Surprise them with your words and your actions.

What are some ways you like to connect with your kids?
